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Over 90 years ago, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis praised federalism as allowing States to experiment and make better laws, calling them "laboratories of democracy". As Washington, DC moves to implement a recent Biden Executive Order and the Congress contemplates legislative "guiderails" on the use of Artificial Intelligence, States have already begun to step out, to explore and to experiment. That effort is being led in many States by their CIO's. Today I'm joined by leaders from the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO). The NASCIO State Top Ten Priorities list for 2024, which just came out at the beginning of this year, includes AI for the first time ever. With the mass availability of generative AI tools and large language models in the last year, States are updating or creating new policies and road maps for AI. Let's learn more from some State leaders.
AI in State Governments
James Weaver, President of NASCIO as well as Secretary and CIO, North Carolina Department of Information Technology
J.R. Sloan, Secretary-Treasurer of NASCIO as well as CIO, State of Arizona
Doug Robinson, Executive Director, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO)
George Jackson, VP of Events, GovExec